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Monday, November 28, 2011

Just finished a little bite of my capstone

We just shoot a little bite of the opening of my capstone this last week, I shoot the hole opening with a steady cam and the F 3 and my Iphone 4S and the footage came out great with both cameras but the F3 is so nice and the shoots where nice.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Making Pies

This video was of my Mom, Wife and daughter making Pumpkin Pies for the family feast. I shot the hole thing with my Iphone 4s and my home made steady cam mount. This quick video was just a test out how well the steady cam was. When all said and done we had made 27 pies and only eat one so far. 

I am going to shot part of my cap stone today with a Sony F3 and also with my Iphone 4s just to see if it could do as well as the F3.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Well we were going to shot some of the Capstone but had to move it to next week

It was a great day for shooting, but CMI sent back the lens that I need to shoot a wide angle shout back too soon. Well we bump it back aweek, man being a one man band and trying to get every thing in order just to shout a five min. scene is like standing on your head and typing a paper blind folded wile singing the Star Spangal Baner in high C.