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Friday, October 21, 2011

Have a dead line

A dead line is one of the best ways to make sure you do not put it off tell the last min. But one of the hardest things that I have run into is the amount of stuff that has to be done be for the camera even starts rolling film.

For one, just getting the words down on the script, so that the road map of the film is out and place for one to follow.

Then getting the locations down so that at lease you know where you want to film. My opening scene starts off as my lead actor walks in to the building and down the hall to class that he is late for. Then as he walks in to the class that is in the middle of a lecture he looks around and finds his seat. So now that I have got that done I need to move to the next step.

Which is when I need to do this scene, and for me I want to get it in the can by the end of Nov. and move on to the next location.

And finally find who will play the parts in my film.

Oh how much work there is even before one starts rolling film.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

This weekend's road trip

We went on a family road trip to Zion's while trying to get a little down time before the big push on the script. Here is my family and I going to Weeping Rock and then to the East side of the park. Then on over Cedar Mountain to get home. Had a great day with the kids and wife, we had caught the sun in the begging of Golden hour and got some great shots of our trip.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Looking for locations

This last Sunday I took the family out looking for locations that would maybe work for my capstone. We found a few spots that may work. Please forgive me but I took photos of the family at some of them. We went through Zion National park and drove through the tunnel to the east side of the park. We then took the highway up to Duck Creek around the time the sun was setting so here are some shots of the locations.